Publications and Presentations
- Barlow, J.A. (2025, January). Engaging students and faculty in large-scale, transdisciplinary, community-based participatory research [Conference session]. Inaugural meeting of LEXING: Linguists in Industry, Non-profits, and Government, at the 2025 Linguistic Society of America Annual Conference, Philadelphia.
- Potapova, I., John, A., Pruitt-Lord, S., Barlow, J. (2025). Extending complexity to word-final position: Intervention effects for English-speaking children with speech sound disorder. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 56, 42-57. PMID: 39496072. https://doi.org/10.1044/2024_LSHSS-24-00020
- Rhodes, E. R., Vogel, J. R., Lowery, B. C., Kyprioti, A. P., Swayne, M. R. E., Stevenson, B. S., Graves, G. M., Jeffries, E. R., & Kuhn, K. (2024). Tracking SARS-CoV-2 Levels in Wastewater During College Football Events Using Cell Phone Data for Population Dynamics. Environments, 11(12), 279. https://doi.org/10.3390/environments11120279
- Appleyard, B., Pande, A., Gibbons, J., Tanvir, S., Honey, M., Ahangarfabrik, N., Carbajal, M., & Swayne, M.. "Right Turn on Red: Energy-Saving Measure or Unsafe Maneuver?" Mineta Transportation Institute (2024). https://doi.org/10.31979/mti.2024.2347
- Ferrill, M., Beck, E., Lamont, L., Lewis, M., McGirr, D., Barlow, J., & Castillo, H. (2024, October). Preserving our shared history: Digitizing the Archivo Histórico de Tijuana [Poster session]. Presented at the Sixth Annual Bi-National RE:BORDER Conference, San Diego.
- Woo, J. (2024, October). Community-based participatory research (CPBR): A scientometric analysis of research paper connections and disciplines [Poster session]. 86th Annual Conference of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Arcata, CA.
- Twyman, M., Swayne, M., McKinstry, C., Woo, J., Barlow, J., & Sadd, J. (2024, October). Application of GIS to identify and prioritize potential brownfields in California for redevelopment [Poster session]. 86th Annual Conference of the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Arcata, CA
- Barlow, J., & Swayne, M. (2024, October). Community-based participatory research in the identification and assessment of brownfields [Invited colloquium presentation]. Illinois State University, Department of Geography, Geology and the Environment.
- Swayne, M., & Barlow, J. (2024, September). Brownfields and equitable land reuse [Invited conference session]. National City & Southeast San Diego Green Corridor Project Community Connectors Conference, San Diego.
- Barlow, J., Lamont, L., Ferrill, M., Castillo Castillo, H., & Patrón Soberano, K. (2024, June). Collaboration across borders [Conference session]. Open Repositories Conference 2024, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- Kumar, R., Pham, B., Nguyen, C., Azzam, K., Gonzales, M., Smith, L. (2024, June). A culture-centered approach to meanings of health and understandings of environmental risks associated with brownfields exposure in National City [Conference session]. 74th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Gold Coast, Australia.
- Weeden, J., Barlow, J., Quandt, A., & Swayne, M.R.E. (2024, June). Creating space for environmental discourse between students and elders: Further understanding perspectives on conservation among elders and different cultures [Poster session]. PALA (Poetics and Linguistics Association) Conference 2024, Sheffield, UK.
- Swayne, M.R.E., & Barlow, J.A. (2024, April). Community-based participatory mapping for a more accurate and meaningful brownfields inventory [Oral session]. 2024 American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI.
- Weeden, J., Barlow, J. (2024, March). Exploring brownfield redevelopment and conservation psychology: A collaborative study of National City elders’ environmental perspectives [Poster session]. 33rd Annual Conference on Soil, Water, Energy, and Air, San Diego.
- Saunders, T., Palaroan, L., Diaz, D., Barlow, J., Swayne, M., & Altawarah, L. (2024, March). Stacking up success: An introduction to the art of brownfield redevelopment funding. Invited webinar hosted by the Center for Creative Land Recycling.
- Gómez-Rodríguez, K. (2024, March). No more brownfields: Branding for community outreach [Exhibit]. Presented at the SDSU Student Symposium, San Diego.
- Weeden, J. (2024, March). Elders' perspectives on the environment: A collaborative exploration for brownfield revitalization in National City, CA [Poster session]. Presented at the SDSU Student Symposium, San Diego.
- Pham, B. (2024, March). A culture-centered approach to meanings of health and understandings of environmental risks associated with brownfields exposure in National City [Oral session]. Presented at the SDSU Student Symposium, San Diego.
- Barlow, J. (2023, August). Engaging speech, language, and hearing students and faculty in large-scale, transdisciplinary community partnerships. Presented at the 32nd World Congress of the International Association of Communication Sciences and Disorders (IALP). Auckland, New Zealand.
- Chavez, A., Rogers, J., Inman, A., & Barlow, J. (2023, June). The Educational Partnership for Innovation in Communities Network 101 Training [Workshop]. Presented at the 2023 Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress, Panama City, Panama.
- Donminguez Doriega, A., Bonilla Ovallos, M.E., Patrón-Soberano, K., Chavez, A., Rosas Arellano, J., & Rahmer, B. (2023, June). The Educational Partnership for Innovation in Communities Network: An innovative conceptualization for sustainability - EPIC in Latin America: Gaining Sustainability through partners. Presented at the 2023 Sustainability Research and Innovation Congress, Panama City, Panama.
- Ferrill, M., Beck, E., Lamont, L., McGirr, D. (2023, June). Creating binational library collaborations: The experience of the SDSU Library. Poster presented American Library Association Annual Conference. Chicago, IL.
- Inman, A., Bray, B., Carabajal, M. I., Curry, M., Patron-Soberano, K., & Chavez, A. (2023). A new vision of sustainable communities: Transforming communities and academia via the EPIC Model. Journal of Science Policy and Governance, 22 (2).
- Lamont, L., Beck, E., Ferrill, M., McGirr, D. (2023, June). Creating binational library collaborations: The experience of the SDSU Library. Presented at Open Repositories 2023. Stellenbosch, South Africa.
- McKinstry, C., & Woo, J. (2023). National City Brownfields Community Inventory Results: Identifying Locations of Community Concern in National City [ArcGIS StoryMap]. National City Brownfields Assessment Project at SDSU.
- McKinstry, C. (2023). Mapping Brownfields Across California: Using ArcGIS Pro to develop and visualize a statewide inventory of brownfields [ArcGIS StoryMap for 2023 Esri Innovation Program Student of the Year]. San Diego State University.
- Porter Sumchai, A., Emeric-Ford, N., Barlow, J., & Cabrera, K. (2023, September). The bridge builders: How to access and build capacity for funding opportunities that meet the vision of communities [Panel session]. 2023 California Land Recycling Conference. Carson, CA.
- Swayne, M., Barlow, J., Patrón-Soberano, K., & Gonzales, S. (2023, September) Equitable community outreach planning [Panel session]. 2023 California Land Recycling Conference. Carson, CA.
- Swayne, M., & Tasnif-Abassi, M. (2023, September). Towards developing a statewide brownfield inventory [Technical talk]. 2023 California Land Recycling Conference. Carson, CA.
- Affeldt, M., Barlow, J., Flin, J., & Silver, J. (2022, June). Real talk. Revitalization without displacement. invited panel session, California Land Recycling Conference, Carson, CA.
- Barlow, J.A. (2022, May). Experiential learning and community engagement on a massive scale: The Sage Project at San Diego State University. Invited presentation, Campus As Lab International Community of Practice.
- Barlow, J.A. (2022, March). SDSU’s Center for Regional Sustainability: Applying knowledge to practice for the greater good. Invited presentation, Global Research into Energy and the Environment Team, NASA Ames Research Center.
- Barlow, J., Blumenfeld, H.K., Combiths, P.N., Harman, A.*, & Torre III, P. (2022). Reinventing resilience: Engaging speech, language, and hearing students and faculty in large-scale, transdisciplinary community partnerships. Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.
- Barlow, J., Curry, M., Ndebele-Murisa, M., Phanthuwongpakdee, N., & Schlossberg, M. (2022). The Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Communities Model. In A. Sharma, K. Worth, & T. Goldberg (Eds.), Stories of resilience: Lessons from local adaptation practice (pp. 61-76). Rotterdam: Center on Global Adaptation.
- Lowery, B. C., Swayne, M. R. E., Castro, I., & Embury, J. (2022). Mapping EBT store closures during the COVID-19 pandemic in a low-income, food-insecure community in San Diego. Preventing Chronic Disease, 19, E37.
Rivera Castañeda, P., Patrón Soberano, K., Martínez Zacueta, I., Villada Canela, M., & Muñoz-Pizza, D. M. (2022). Agua en la región fronteriza: Conflictos y soluciones sobre el manejo del agua en las regiones fronterizas de San Diego-Tijuana y el Valle Imperial-Mexicali Binational Conference on Border Issues - Conferencia Binacional en Temas Fronterizos, Tijuana and San Diego.
- Barlow, J., Bloch, L., Griesel, C., & James, M. (2021, March). Harness the power of the government + university partnership to enhance services to your community. Presented at the 2021 International City-County Management Association West Coast Regional Conference.
- Barlow, J., Curry, M., & Schlossberg, M. (2021, October). Transforming higher education and addressing climate change through large-scale university-community partnerships: Connecting university resources to the work of local governments. Presented at the Times Higher Education Climate Impact Forum.
- Laituri, M., Budhathoki, N., Barlow, J., Mbonglou, G., Cline, L. (2021, June). Bridging local policy and community for sustainable transformations. Presented at the Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2021, hosted by the Belmont Forum.
- Patron-Soberano, K. (2021, October). EPIC: un modelo para establecer alianzas entre universidades y ciudades para la adaptación. Presented online for CityAdapt, part of the United Nations Environmental Program.
- Barlow, J., & Ponce Taylor, D. (2020, May). Sustainability and local community building. Presented at the International Education Climate Action Summit 2020.
- Barlow, J. (2020, May). A Sage model for helping make the world a better place. Presented online at Nerd Nite San Diego.
- Buerkett, M., & Barlow, J., & Matta, B. (2020, October). Engaging students in sustainability efforts at home and while abroad. Presented at the NAFSA Region II Conference and at the NAFSA Region XII Conference.
- Smith, D., Russnogle, A., Kulda, K., Nara, A. (2020, April). Characterizing Infill Residential Sites with Space-Time Clustering. Association of American Geographers 2020 Annual Meeting (Virtual Conference).
- Barlow, J., James, M., & Bloch, L. (2019, December). Advancing revitalization through innovative university-community partnerships. Presented at Brownfields 2019, Los Angeles, CA.
- Combiths, P., Barlow, J.A., Taps Richard, J., Pruitt-Lord, S. (2019). Treatment targets for co-occurring speech-language impairment: A case study. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 4, 240-256.
- Kalkbrenner, L., Uy, C.K., Abram, T., Chowdhury, Z., Uyeki, C., Babtiwale, E., & Schneider, N. (2019, July). Strategic plans for implementing sustainability. Presented at the 2019 California Higher Education Sustainability Conference, Santa Barbara, CA.
- Montoya, L., & Verbyla, M.E. (2019, May). Environmental engineering for the 21st century: Increasing diversity and community participation to achieve environmental and social justice. (Workshop). Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) Research and Education Conference, Tempe, AZ, USA.
- Patrón-Soberano, K., Welsh, M., Appleyard, B., Flanigan, S., James, M., & Barlow, J. (2019, April). University-municipal partnerships and the Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Communities (EPIC-N) Model. Panel presented at the Western Social Science Association Conference 2019, San Diego, CA.
- Villavicencio, J., Benitez, A., Barlow, J., & Chowdhury, Z. (2019). Assessing Air Quality through a Sustainable Educational Model. Journal of Sustainability Education, 19, 1-20.
- Welsh, M. (2019). “We are humans first”: Implementing an experiential learning project on homelessness in the criminal justice classroom. Division on Women and Crime Professional Development seminar: Teacher Training and Pedagogy on Experiential Learning. Paper presentation at 2019 American Society of Criminology annual meeting, San Francisco.
- Barlow, J. (2018, November). An EPIC Example: The Sage Project at San Diego State University. Invited breakout presentation at the Urban in Alaska Conference, University of Alaska, Anchorage.
- Barlow, J.A. (2018). The Sage Project: Community Engagement for Sustainable Cities. Experience Magazine: Practice and Theory, 2, 97-117.
- Barlow, J., & Abram, T. (2018, June). The Sage Project: Climate Action Planning for Lemon Grove. Invited presentation at the 2018 California Higher Education Sustainability Conference, Santa Barbara, CA.
- Barlow, J., Flanigan, S., Welsh, M., Abdel-Samad, M., Patrón-Soberano, K., Combiths, P., & Appleyard, B. (2018, July). Matching local government sustainability goals with university capacity: The EPIC Model. Panel presented at the2018 Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management International Conference, Mexico City.
- Lawless, V., Yip, C., Haight, K., Chowdhury, Z., & Barlow, J. (2018, March). Application of the UN-Toolkit to shape climate mitigation and adaptation strategies in Lemon Grove, CA, USA. Presented at the 2018 San Diego State University Student Research Symposium, San Diego.
- Welsh, M. (2018). “We are Humans First”: Expanding Learning Outcomes in an Undergraduate Research Methods Course Through an Experiential Learning Project on Homelessness. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 29(3), 414-435.
- Welsh, M. (2018). “We are humans first”: Implementing an experiential learning project on homelessness in the criminal justice classroom. Paper presentation at the CSU Symposium on University Teaching, Cal Poly Pomona.
- Welsh, M. (2018). “You’re an embarrassment”: Un-housed people’s understandings of policing in the bulimic society. Paper presentation at the Western Society of Criminology annual conference in Long Beach, CA.
- Welsh, M. & Abdel-Samad, M. (2018). “You’re an embarrassment”: Un-housed people’s understandings of policing in downtown San Diego. Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society, 19(3), 33-49.
- Yip, C., Lawless, V., Chowdhury, Z., & Barlow, J. (2018, March). Amendment and adaptation of UN-Toolkit to San Diego State University’s Climate Action Plan: The world’s first. Poster presented at the 2018 San Diego State University Student Research Symposium, San Diego.
- Yip, C., Lawless, V., Abram, T., Barlow, J., Chowdhury, Z., Maxwell, J.A., Sanchez, A.G., Kehew, R., Woodside, R. (2018). Guiding Principles for City Climate Action: Planning toolkit for campus-level review. United Nations Human Settlements Programme.
- Barlow, J.A., Patrón Soberano, K. et al. (2017, April). San Diego State University – The Sage Project: Community Engagement for Sustainable Cities. Institutional showcase presented at the Western Association of Schools and Colleges 2017 Academic Resource Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Barlow, J.A., & Zambrana, J. (2017, February). The Sage Project and the EPIC Model of campus-community partnerships. Webinar presented to CivicSpark AmeriCorps fellows.
- Combiths, P., Taps, Richard, J., Pruitt-Lord, S.L., & Barlow, J.A. (2017, November). At the intersection of speech and language: A word-final treatment case study. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Los Angeles.
- Taps Richard, J., Barlow, J.A., & Combiths, P. (2017, November). Applying phonological complexity in the schools: Insights from 32 case studies. Presented Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Los Angeles.
- Haight, K., Lawless, V., Yip, C., Chowdhury, Z., & Johm, F. (2017). Guiding principles for climate action planning; Mitigation and adaptation strategies for climate change in Lemon Grove, CA, USA. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).
- Larco, N., Schlossberg, M., & Barlow, J.A. (2017). EPA tools to support local decision making: Leveraging the Educational Partnerships for Innovation in Communities (EPIC) Network. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, National Exposure Research Laboratory. EPA Contract: PR-ORD-15-01727
- Welsh, M. & Abdel-Samad, M. (2017). “We are humans first”: Expanding learning outcomes in a research methods course through an experiential learning project on homelessness. Thematic panel on interactive and critical issues in teaching at the Society for the Study of Social Problems annual meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
- Appleyard, B., Barlow, J., Flanigan, S., & Raulston, B. (2016, March). Municipal-university partnerships for sustainable communities: Lessons from the Sage Project at San Diego State University. Roundtable presentation at 46th Annual Conference of the Urban Affairs Association, San Diego, CA.
- Barlow, J.A. (2016, October). Student-led application of Guiding Principles in Lemon Grove, California, USA. Presented as part of a session on “Guiding principles for city climate action planning: Improving city-level practices,” moderated by Gino Van Begin. United Nations Habitat III Conference, Quito, Ecuador.
- Blumenfeld, H., Barlow, J.A., & Manriquez, F. (2016, March). Fostering sustainable communities by training future professionals in speech-language and hearing sciences through service learning. Paper presented at the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education’s 42nd Annual Meeting and Educational Leadership Conference, Long Beach, CA.
- Brennan, K. R. (2016). Noise level measurements and National City residents' attitudes towards that noise. Unpublished doctoral project, San Diego State University - University of California, San Diego.
- Ibrahim, S.A., Barlow, J., O’Donoghue, S., Dickson, B., Hitt, J., Uhle, M., Garschagen, M., & Socci, A. (2016, July). New, innovative and effective ways of sharing information that catalyzes action. Panel presentation for Resilient Cities 2016: The 7th Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation, Bonn, Germany.
- McKinstry, J. (2016). Bikeshare and Transit in National City, CA: Implications for Climate Change, the Economy, and Public Policy. Unpublished master's thesis, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA.
- McKinstry, J. (2016, March). Bikeshare and transit in National City, CA: Implications for climate change, the economy, and public policy. Presented at the San Diego State University 2016 Student Research Symposium, San Diego, CA.
- Welsh, M. & Abdel-Samad, M. (2016). “We are all still humans”: Teaching research methods to criminal justice and public administration students through an experiential learning project on homelessness. Paper panel at the Rutgers University Teaching Public Administration annual conference, Newark, NJ.
- Barlow, J.A. (2015, October). Radically simple campus-community sustainability partnerships. Invited presentation for the Sustainability Series at the Global Institute of Sustainability at Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
- Cao, M. N. (2015). Future growth of organic solar cells in the building integrated photovoltaic market. Unpublished master's thesis, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA.
- Fernandez, D., Barlow, J., & Bloch, L. (2015, June). Sustainable cities: City and university partnerships for sustainability education experiences. Presented at the California Higher Education in Sustainability Conference, San Francisco, CA.
- Franklin, N., Franklin, T., Barlow, J.A., Raulston, B., & Sebastian, D. (2014, June). Strategic partnerships for the new engagement. Invited panel presented at the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities’ 2014 Commission on Innovation, Competitiveness, and Economic Prosperity (CICEP) / Council on Engagement and Outreach (CEO) Summer Meeting, San Diego.
- Penunuri, C. (2015). Craft brewing industry in review: Economic development practices in San Diego and Vista. Capstone project in public administration, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA.